Letting Questions Evolve into Prayers - May 28, 2013

Another person asked me what my summer plans were today. I told them I was going to Mexico for six weeks. Their next question was one I have come to expect, but still struggle to answer. Of course, they wanted to know why I was going.

How do I explain to them that I believe God has called me to go there? How do I describe the poverty I’m expecting to encounter? How do I communicate what incarnational ministry is and what that will look like for me?

Usually, I manage to stumble through my answers just fine. Some people are confused as to why I’d give up such a large portion of my summer to serve people so far away. Others are excited for me and can’t wait to hear stories about how God moves in me and my team. A few people fear for my safety. In the end, I’m satisfied with my answers and confident that God has, and will continue to prepare my heart for this adventure He’s called me too.

However, as the departure date grows closer, the “why” questions seem to dim in importance. Other questions, worries, and anticipations have moved to the forefront of my mind. I worry about silly things like how I might survive without my daily coffee fix or AC. I get excited and anticipate bonding with my team mates. And then I ask the other questions.

Who will I meet that will change my life? Whose story am I going to tell to my friends and family when I return?

Where will I be staying? Where will I see God’s glory shine?

What will I be doing? What will the people there think of me? What will I remember to say in Spanish?

When will I miss my family and home? When will I fall in love with Mexico City and its people?

And finally, I wonder if God is going to call me to long term ministry with the urban poor. My questions evolve into prayers. I think of Jesus calling the disciples to follow Him and how they left everything they knew behind. I’m reminded of what Jesus promises to those who lose their life for His sake. Then I realize my questioning has come full circle and I’ve arrived back at why I’m going in the first place. I’m going because Jesus told me to follow Him to Mexico City, and the fact that He will be there each step of the way eases all my anxieties.

-Mollie Emerson