Ready - June 14

The trek is in five days and I have already started packing. My backpack is full and I am ready to go...I think. Bringing just a few things for 6 weeks may be crazy to most, but I believe that this is how I will be able to best meet Jesus when I meet Him this summer in Egypt through the people living in the slums. This whole process of raising money to share Jesus' love to people I don't know on the other side of the Earth has been a time of spiritual growth already. I have been wanting to grow in prayer and God really made me and is still making me rely on Him more and more as I pray and see His wonderful provision in my journey thus far. What makes me the most excited is how Jesus is going to reveal Himself in new ways to me through this trip. It is also what makes me the most nervous. New things are exciting but also tend to scare me. How will I turn out? Will I be the same? Who will I be at the end of the 6 weeks? How is God going to use me to make any difference in something as large as poverty? God is doing mighty things in my heart already and the orientation time in LA is still days away. All praise to God as His kingdom is being brought to you, me, and our friends in Egypt.

-Ariel Plaza